Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How to Communicate Effectively with Your Spouse.

What a great video! No, I don't believe that this is how it always is, but it shows how the communication styles between couples can vary. Communication is key in any relationship, especially a marriage. In this first year of marriage I have thought about how my spouse and I can communicate more effectively. I am learning many things about how I communicate and my own expectations about communication. Below are three 'truths' that I feel has had a great impact on the communication patterns in my marriage. 

1. You may never understand one another perfectly.

I wasn't quite prepared for this when entering marriage. Misinterpretation and miscommunication happened very rarely when dating, but after marriage these seemed to increase. 
I love this quote (see right). When I found it for the first time it had a great impact on me. I am learning that miscommunication will always happen no matter how long we have been together. Emily Sanders gives 5 questions to ask yourself to recognize miscommunication. I am trying to ask myself these questions instead of getting offended and seek clarification before I assume wrong. Mark Merrill give tips for communicating with people with specific communication styles like Think Out Loud Luke or Lauren Solve It Steve and Sarah. The most important factor for improving marriage communication is simply understanding that you and your spouse are different people and may never get it perfectly right. 

2. Listening is as important as talking.

Now, this is one truth that I continually struggle with. The communication patterns in my marriage are the most natural when I listen just as much as I respond. I know that when I work on intently listening to my spouse, our conversations are more meaningful. 
Mike and Carlie from Fulfilling Your Vows present 6 great tips to become a better listener. I love their tip to get rid of distractions. These can be your phone, TV, or daydreaming. To give your spouse your full attention, you need to eliminate the things that will distract you. I also like their tip to not worry about what you will say next. Focus on what your spouse is saying and not about how you plan to respond. I am implementing this latter tip and it has significantly improved my listening abilities. Luckily for me, my husband became a pro listener while serving his LDS mission. I feel very validated when he responds and asks questions that are relevant to what I just said! I know that when you listen to understand and not just to reply, your communication in your marriage can improve!

3. It's not a competition.

This is one truth that didn't just immediately pop into my mind. After pondering over the best and worst conversations I have had with my spouse, I realized that when I was trying to work with my spouse and not against him, I had more productive conversations. Katie Hornor of Paradise Praises refers to this as 'Back him up!' She emphasizes the need to be a unified front with your spouse in public and especially in front of children. Even though she and her spouse may not agree, she tries to pull him aside and privately discuss it later. I think this is such a great habit to start! I believe that when you and your spouse try to focus your communication to become a unified front, you will build trust in your marriage. Elisa Puliman talks about four communication principles that have a great impact on any relationship and encourages us to ask ourselves, "Am I owning my own stuff and not blaming others or playing victim?". This is one question I believe, when answered truthfully, can shed a lot of light into how you are communicating with your spouse. I suggest following the advice from RS General President Linda K. Burton below:

If you try and incorporate these tips into your communication patterns with your spouse, I know that your marriage can be strengthened. To offer one last piece of advice, in addition to applying these tips, I suggest praying to your Heavenly Father for specific guidance on communication in your marriage. God want's to help your marriage, and all you need to do is ask! Understand that to improve communication with your spouse it will take time and effort! Don't get discouraged; it will all be worth it! For more great advice, check out "Speak, Listen, and Love" from the Liahona.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How does Social Media affect my Marriage?

Recently, I have pondered how social media and spending a lot of time affects my marriage. I contemplated how it can detract and add to my marriage. I've done a lot of research this week finding the best articles to share with you, and I hope you enjoy. These tips aren't just for those who are married, engaged, or dating, but for anyone and everyone of all ages! These three tips below, I believe, can have a great impact on all of your relationship's, especially your marriage. 

1. Beware of Digital Infidelity

What is Digital Infidelity? Focus on the Family defines it, "when people use social media and other electronic communication to cross marital boundaries. This can take the form of suggestive chatting or picture messaging, or when you emotionally bond through email with someone other than your spouse." This is one of the new poisonous effects of social media on modern marriages. Many people friend an old crush, and catching-up messages turn into long chats and emotional conversations. These start out seeming so innocent, but can quickly turn into something serious. Below are a few tips that can help us keep faithful to our spouses while online.
  1. Don't even tempt yourself - don't friend or follow any past crushes or exes.
  2. Talk about your spouse - One way to ward off potentially flirtatious messaging is to talk about your spouse in the conversation. You and the person you are chatting with will be able to see how committed you are. 
  3. Allow your spouse access to your social media accounts - Yes, just like my mom did when I was in high school. By giving your spouse access, you are less likely to do something wrong. 
  4. Continue to check yourself - Ask questions like "is this an appropriate relationship?", "Would I feel comfortable if my spouse were next to me?", and "Would God approve of this?".
  5. Keep your spouse your priority - Make sure that your spouse is still your #1, and don't allow the drama of the past distract you. 
"Prophets teach that successful marriage partners are “fiercely loyal” to each other. They keep their social media use fully worthy in every way. They permit themselves no secret Internet experiences. ...They never do or say anything that approaches the appearance of impropriety, either virtually or physically." -L. Whitney Clayton

    2. Don't let yourself become distracted by your technology!

    This can hurt your marriage significantly. If your spouse feels that your technology and social media is more important than they are, it can decrease the trust in your marriage. Ryan Frederick of Fierce Marriage gives this great wisdom, "Life is short, quality time is scarce. That thing that distracts you will likely be forgotten before the week ends. The quality time you spend with your spouse will bear fruit for a lifetime." I agree with this completely. I struggle with spending too much time on my phone at times. I try to overcome this tendency by having my husband remind me of my goal to be on social media less. I have also tried setting a timer for how long I can be on my phone. By implementing these two ideas, I've improved little by little. Nurturing Marriage addresses 7 ways your phone is destroying your marriage. They mention that our phones are the first object we grab for in the morning and the last object we touch at night. Remember, marriage is between you and your spouse, not your phone. I absolutely love this video below and it's messages about living in the present and not in an online reality. If we applied these principles to our own marriages, we would grow closer together and not be influenced by our phone.

    3. Don't compare your marriage or yourself to another's 'perfect' life.

    This is an action that I personally struggle with. Many hours have been spent comparing my marriage or engagement to those I see on Instagram and Facebook. I think that this quote below is how we all should look at others on social media.

    I think it is so important to not compare our marriage to those of others. There are many times scrolling through Facebook, seeing engagement announcements, wedding pictures, and baby announcements, that I start to compare myself to others. This only brings pain and jealousy. Fierce Marriage gives a great quote, "Social media allows us to show pieces of our lives – and only the ones we choose to show, which are often just the greatest pieces and moments. This is not a bad thing; however, the trouble begins when we start perceiving these as reality and not simply as beautiful moments in time." I absolutely love this. You need to cherish the moments in your own life and not become jealous of the cherished moments of others. We need to be continually asking, "Where does my validation come from?" I have learned that when I ask myself this, I am less likely to care how many likes my Instagram post gets. 

    I've also learned that I need to beware of the reasons why I post something on one of my social media accounts. When I post a picture to document and share with family, I am less likely to care how many likes I get! We need to make sure that we are not posting because we want to show off, because it opens up the possibility for others to compare. 

    I am not saying that you should delete all of your social media platforms, but beware of the potentially negative effects it can have on your marriage. Social Media can be a great tool to connect with friends and family if we use it for the right reasons. I know that if you take this advice your relationship with your spouse can be strengthened. For more questions to keep yourself in check, go check out LDS Living's Eight Questions to Help You Consider the Impact of Social Media on Your Marriage. If you have any other tips to help keep yourself in check, be sure to comment below!

    Wednesday, March 16, 2016

    Combating Financial Problems in Marriage: Cheap can be Cheery

    It is well known that monetary strain and money problems leads to a lot of marital conflict and is one of the leading causes of divorce. Forbes states, "Foolishly spending money is the number one financial cause for divorce." This means that this problem needs some of the most attention. The question we should be asking is, "How can my spouse and I combat financial problems together effectively?" Marvin J. Ashton's pamphlet "One for the Money: Guide to Family Finance" gives five suggestions that I recommend every couple and family implement in their lives. Below are a few that have been helpful in my marriage. 

    1. Create and Stick to a Budget

    This is one of the best pieces of marriage advice I received before I got married. The first place to start is to create/find a budget template. There are many budget templates online, but Kyle and I decided to create our own on an Excel sheet that is more custom to us. It is important that when you and your spouse create your budget, that your individual needs and goals are being considered. This can help reduce the contention and frustrations surrounding your budget. Creating a budget is the easy part, but sticking to one is harder.  Remember that your budget needs to be realistic and help you live financially stable. Along with your budget, you and your spouse need to have routine budget check-in meetingsThis is an essential step to following your budget and can foster great financial discussions with your spouse.

    2. Saving is Essential

    This is one of the best tools to help limit financial stress. I suggest saving a certain percent of your pay check first before determining what you have left to spend. There are many accidents and unforeseen circumstances that will arise throughout your marriage (complications during childbirth can rack up a bill of over $50,000 very quickly), and having a fairly large savings can be such a relief. Tip: Just because you have $5,000 in savings does not mean that you have to spend it. I have learned that the more money I have in savings the more at peace I feel. I know that when I prepare myself financially that I will be blessed in the future. It is important to create a saving's strategy with your spouse so you can both be on the same page with your finances. This idea can help you and your spouse be less stressed when monetary difficulties come your way and can greatly help reduce contention. 

    3. Pay a full Tithe

    LDS quote: Elder Robert D. Hales talks about the blessings of paying tithing.:
    This is a principle that many couples can struggle with. I remember as a kid learning this principle and thinking that a dime out of my dollar was a lot. I laugh at that now! Though it may seem like a sacrifice, we are promised blessings. "The payment of tithing is a commandment, a commandment with a promise." These blessings can include good heath, relationships, and financial stability. This is one financial principle, that when followed consistently, will have an eternal impact. 

    Rich Avery for SeedTime talks about 7 simple rules to stop fighting about money and his first one is to be generous givers. He recounts that paying tithing brought him and his spouse closer together. I know this principle is true because I have seen it in my life. As Kyle and I faithfully pay our tithing, we find that we can make better monetary decisions with what money we have left after tithing. 

    4. Be Honest about your Finances

    For financial success in your marriage, you and your spouse need to be honest with each other about your money and where it is going. As a couple, you cannot accurately plan your finances if you aren't being honest and realistic with one another. You are honest with finances when you openly talk about financial difficulties and not hide money from one another.  One step that my husband and I have taken to be more honest about our finances together, is we created a joint bank account that we both have access to. It allows both of us to see where we are spending our money and opens up great discussion. Honesty is essential to every aspect of marriage, not just finances.
    If you and your spouse are facing serious money problems I suggest going to see your bishop or a financial adviser. Facing financial difficulties are hard but as you rely on the Lord and work together with your spouse you can be blessed. For more advice Nurturing Marriage has an entire section dedicated to combating finances as a couple. There are many great articles that have helped me along this new path in my marriage. By following these few simple steps, you and your spouse can reduce contention surrounding monetary issues. 

    Wednesday, March 9, 2016

    What Gospel Actions Strengthen my Marriage the Most?

    In search to strengthen the bonds of my marriage, I found this article recently with a list of things that happily married couples do, and I found it very enlightening. It made me ponder and make a mental note of what gospel actions have had the biggest impact on my marriage so far. Every aspect of gospel living has had an impact on my marriage, but the three below are the one's that I feel have strengthened my marriage the most. 

    1. Family Prayers

    What benefits come from praying as a couple? I know, without a doubt in my mind, that as my husband and I kneel in prayer together, we are blessed. This is one action, when neglected, I am noticing has an impact on our marriage. I tend to be quicker to anger and we miscommunicate more often. As you pray as a couple, your individual relationship with God will strengthen and your relationship with your spouse will strengthen too. 

    In the 'Marriage and Family Relations' Sunday School course, one lesson teaches how prayer strengthens a marriage. I love this thought, "You simply can't pray together and retain any but the best of feelings toward one another." It is so true! As my husband and I pray together, we have a happier marriage and fewer conflicts arise. For more from this lesson you can find it HERE

    I suggest praying as a couple at least once a day. Whether that be in the morning or night, make it consistent. What better way to start your day together than by conversing with the Lord as a couple? By doing this consistently, you form a habit that can lead to a life-time full of family prayers and a strong marital relationship. I know that as you and your spouse pray together everyday, your marriage will be greatly enriched. Your home will be filled with peace and your relationship with your spouse will grow.

    2. Family Home Evening

    “We don't have kids, should we still have Family Home Evening as a couple?” Yes, yes, yes, and yes. (For info on what FHE is click HERE). Family Home Evenings are meant for families, and are not you and your spouse a family now? Kyle and I are continually trying, though not successfully each week, to spend some time having our own FHE. I've realized that they don't need to be some spectacular event, but a simple sharing of testimonies and discussion. By spending even an hour each week discussing gospel topics, I know that your marriage is strengthened.

    Again, consistency is key. We try to have it every Monday night, but sometimes with school and homework it gets pushed to another day; This is okay! At first it was hard to implement, but now after a few months of effort it has become a habit. We can still receive the benefits As long as we are actively trying to do so. (Additionally, a treat afterward can help to make it more fun.)

     “I know that having FHE as a couple is important, but what are lesson ideas for couples specifically?” Kyle and I tried figuring out a schedule of lessons (I would do the lesson one week and him the next), but it became stressful on top of all of our school work. What we've found that works best is reading gospel material, more specifically, Jesus The Christ by James E. Talmage. By just reading a chapter, it sparks a great discussion from which we can both benefit. This has been a great way to strengthen my testimony and my marriage in just one simple evening each week. Below are a few more ideas:
    • Trisha from Let's Get Together gives specific FHE lesson and activity ideas for newlyweds and empty nesters you can find HERE
    • Want a specific FHE lesson already planned? Check out LDS Daily's post designed specifically for a newlywed FHE lesson HERE.  
    • Marissa, another newlywed, offers 11 FHE ideas that are simple yet fun HERE.
    "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program [family home evening]. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest." -Thomas S. Monson

    For testimony from Latter-Day prophets on the importance of Family Home Evenings, click HERE

    3. Regular Temple Attendance with my spouse. 

    This gospel action, for me personally, is one of my favorite things to do. I am very grateful that my husband and I were able to make covenants in the temple together. I love going to the House of the Lord where the same sacred covenants I entered into with my husband are performed each and every day. I know, that as Kyle and I continue to go to the temple together to serve, our marriage has been blessed.

    As a couple, we try and attend the temple at least once a month (since we are about an hour away from a temple). It is important to figure out what works best for your marriage situation. I believe that you can never go to the temple too often. Sometimes, if there is an important decision to be made, going to the temple more often than usual can bring added blessings and guidance.

    There are many blessings that have come from attending the temple of which we are unaware. I do know that as you attend the temple with your spouse, your marriage is strengthened. You can find more peace and understanding in the temple. Regular temple attendance doesn’t just bless your marriage, but also blesses you individually.

    I understand that not everyone has a current temple recommend or has made all or any of the temple covenants, but I know that as you work toward those and make it a goal, you will be blessed in your efforts. For more info on LDS Temples go HERE and for more info on the covenants made therein go HERE

    Though all aspects of gospel living have blessed my marriage, daily prayer, weekly FHE, and attending the temple together consistently, have blessed my marriage the most. I believe that your marriage should be your most cherished possession and these three actions can help you defend it against the fiery darts of the adversary. 

    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    Hobbies and Marriage: Do they work together?

    Married life is absolutely wonderful, but staring lovingly into one another eyes is only fun for so long. I've found, since my husband and I now have more time to spend together, we find ourselves being bored and longing for something to do. Having hobbies in marriage is important! Here are a few things that I have learned about hobbies since getting married.

    1. You can keep your hobbies you enjoyed before marriage.

    I had a misconception about this coming into marriage. I knew that I could, and would, have time to myself, but I didn't know to what extent I could enjoy my hobbies. I've learned that when I want to do my hobbies, my husband can do his. Just because you have more time to spend together, doesn't mean that you can't spend time apart. (See my blog post about time HERE

    Your hobbies don't need to be the same as your spouse's. At the beginning of my marriage, I felt bad that my hobbies were so different than Kyle's, but I am learning that it's okay that we still enjoy our individual hobbies. We can appreciate our spouses' hobbies while not being in love with what they are doing. 

    Random Awesome Stories: There is great article about some hidden talents some of the modern day prophets have that might surprise you. Did you know that President Thomas S. Monson raised pigeons as a child? For more check it out HERE. I bet that President Monson's wife didn't raise pigeons with him, but she probably supported his hobbies and interests. 

    2. Finding common interests can help your marriage grow.

    My husband and I are so different. What are hobbies can we do together? I've asked myself this many times. My hobbies are very different compared to my husband's. This has made it a little difficult to find hobbies that we can do together. I am learning that we both need to stretch ourselves and learn to do something completely new together. 

    Tawny May wrote a great article about how learning to love her husband's interests, which happened to be snake hunting, helped them come closer together. She says, "...we are all weirdos in our own individual way. We all love different things, and there’s a reason for that."

    This has made me reflect, "What are some hobbies that we can do together as a couple?" Developing common interests can be an answer to this question. By finding something new that you can both enjoy is a good place to start. Here are a few of my suggestions:
    • Interior Decoration: You can work with your spouse to repaint a room, find wall art, or do simple DIY home projects. 
    • Gardening: Though I don't currently have a garden, my husband and I are looking to start growing herbs in our home. Researching and then finding what plants work best for your situation can be a great hobby for any couple.
    • Work out Together: This is something Kyle and I started to doing together. We go running three times a week and find it a fun and healthy way to spend time together. Plus, it helps you get an even greater body to show off to your spouse ;)
    • Volunteer together: It's a great way to serve others and spend time together!
    There is a whole website dedicated to hobby ideas for couples titled "Hobbies For Couples". They have all types of ideas from indoor to outdoor and unique ideas. Here are a few of my favorites that I found:
    • Do puzzles together
    • Genealogy work
    • Take up Geocaching
    • Start ballroom dancing together
    If you can't figure out how to take the first step to find common interests, Greg Smalley gives great tips on how to cultivate these common interests in your marriage. Check them out HERE

    3. Hobbies can be expensive.
    Lastly, I am learning that hobbies can be expensive. The hobbies that I like tend to be a bit more expensive, i.e. crafting! Make sure to discuss with your spouse the cost of a hobby before you start. Even though you might not have tight expenses, everyone should be conscious of where their income is being spent. Being in college and saving for grad school especially makes us consider the cost of our hobbies. What are some relatively cheap hobbies that I can do with my husband?
    Well here are a few of my ideas:
    • Read a book together: and this can be free if you find one at the library!
    • Go hiking: but beware of state and national park fees. 
    • Become an expert at card or board games: this is also one that can involve other couples too!
    • Learn a language together:or in my situation have my husband teach me Italian.
    Sheri Hosale also gives 25 tips for budget-minded couples. Here are a few of my favorites:
    • Join or view Community Theatre
    • Take a cooking class together
    • Take up Photography
    • Go camping
    Lastly, hobbies can help you and your spouse better spend time together and apart. By starting a new hobby with your spouse you can learn many new things about one another. Exploring my own hobbies and cultivating new ones with my spouse have been a blessing. 

    If you have any great hobbies that you enjoy and would like to share, comment below so we can all learn from each other. Thanks for reading and be sure to look at my other posts for advice from a newlywed.