In search to strengthen the bonds of my marriage, I found this article recently with a list of things that happily married couples do, and I found it very enlightening. It made me ponder and make a mental note of what gospel actions have had the biggest impact on my marriage so far. Every aspect of gospel living has had an impact on my marriage, but the three below are the one's that I feel have strengthened my marriage the most.
1. Family Prayers
What benefits come from praying as a couple? I know, without a doubt in my mind, that as my husband and I kneel in prayer together, we are blessed. This is one action, when neglected, I am noticing has an impact on our marriage. I tend to be quicker to anger and we miscommunicate more often. As you pray as a couple, your individual relationship with God will strengthen and your relationship with your spouse will strengthen too.
In the 'Marriage and Family Relations' Sunday School course, one lesson teaches how prayer strengthens a marriage. I love this thought, "You simply can't pray together and retain any but the best of feelings toward one another." It is so true! As my husband and I pray together, we have a happier marriage and fewer conflicts arise. For more from this lesson you can find it HERE.
I suggest praying as a couple at least once a day. Whether that be in the morning or night, make it consistent. What better way to start your day together than by conversing with the Lord as a couple? By doing this consistently, you form a habit that can lead to a life-time full of family prayers and a strong marital relationship. I know that as you and your spouse pray together everyday, your marriage will be greatly enriched. Your home will be filled with peace and your relationship with your spouse will grow.
2. Family Home Evening
“We don't have kids, should we still have Family Home Evening as a couple?” Yes, yes, yes, and yes. (For info on what FHE is click HERE). Family Home Evenings are meant for families, and are not you and your spouse a family now? Kyle and I are continually trying, though not successfully each week, to spend some time having our own FHE. I've realized that they don't need to be some spectacular event, but a simple sharing of testimonies and discussion. By spending even an hour each week discussing gospel topics, I know that your marriage is strengthened.

“I know that having FHE as a couple is important, but what are lesson ideas for couples specifically?” Kyle and I tried figuring out a schedule of lessons (I would do the lesson one week and him the next), but it became stressful on top of all of our school work. What we've found that works best is reading gospel material, more specifically, Jesus The Christ by James E. Talmage. By just reading a chapter, it sparks a great discussion from which we can both benefit. This has been a great way to strengthen my testimony and my marriage in just one simple evening each week. Below are a few more ideas:
- Trisha from Let's Get Together gives specific FHE lesson and activity ideas for newlyweds and empty nesters you can find HERE.
- Want a specific FHE lesson already planned? Check out LDS Daily's post designed specifically for a newlywed FHE lesson HERE.
- Marissa, another newlywed, offers 11 FHE ideas that are simple yet fun HERE.
"We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program [family home evening]. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest." -Thomas S. Monson
3. Regular Temple Attendance with my spouse.
This gospel action, for me personally, is one of my favorite things to do. I am very grateful that my husband and I were able to make covenants in the temple together. I love going to the House of the Lord where the same sacred covenants I entered into with my husband are performed each and every day. I know, that as Kyle and I continue to go to the temple together to serve, our marriage has been blessed.
As a couple, we try and attend the temple at least once a month (since we are about an hour away from a temple). It is important to figure out what works best for your marriage situation. I believe that you can never go to the temple too often. Sometimes, if there is an important decision to be made, going to the temple more often than usual can bring added blessings and guidance.
There are many blessings that have come from attending the temple of which we are unaware. I do know that as you attend the temple with your spouse, your marriage is strengthened. You can find more peace and understanding in the temple. Regular temple attendance doesn’t just bless your marriage, but also blesses you individually.
I understand that not everyone has a current temple recommend or has made all or any of the temple covenants, but I know that as you work toward those and make it a goal, you will be blessed in your efforts. For more info on LDS Temples go HERE and for more info on the covenants made therein go HERE.
Though all aspects of gospel living have blessed my marriage, daily prayer, weekly FHE, and attending the temple together consistently, have blessed my marriage the most. I believe that your marriage should be your most cherished possession and these three actions can help you defend it against the fiery darts of the adversary.
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