These are some of the questions I've thought about recently. Advice givers always say to serve your spouse, but how? Now, I haven't learned or applied all of the answers to these questions in my life, but I am consistently working towards that goal. The point of this post is to help you improve the quality of your marriage, or your future marriage. There are many sources on Pinterest or even on Google that can answer my questions, but I wanted more personalized and relative answers. Below are a few of my favorite pieces of advice and wisdom that I learned about effective service in marriage.
1. Why is it important to serve my spouse?
I didn't realize how crucial service can be in a marriage until I got married. I serve my spouse every day without realizing it, but we need to not rely solely on the day to day things. At times, service to your spouse needs to be intentional. Service is a way to keep your love alive. It also helps you gain a better perspective on Christlike charity and service. I am learning more about the love and service of my Savior from the service and love I feel for my spouse. Overall, it is important to serve your spouse because it prepares you for all other service you will render throughout your life. What better way to practice joyfully serving your children than to serve your spouse? I really love how simply this video below shows the importance of service in marriage.2. What can service do for my marriage?
I can verify first hand that service can do a lot not only for your marriage but for yourself. Service can help you become more selfless. I love this quote below from Richard G. Scott found here.
I have come to gain a testimony of this statement. Since being married, I am becoming less selfish, which is such a blessing. I am learning to love to serve my spouse. I've been able to overcome some selfish tendencies because I consciously make an effort to think about my spouse first. I am realizing more now that marriage isn't just a fun adventure, but it's helping me prepare for children and for the eternities. Service has also helped Kyle and I grow closer together. Sister Barbara B. Smith in a general conference talk said, "Service within a family increases spirituality and strengthens bonds of love." I believe this because I have seen these effects first hand. As Kyle and I serve one another, we become better friends and our love grows stronger. This has helped us have a more positive outlook and a more blissful life - all blessings from serving one another.
3. What are ways in which I can serve my spouse?
There are many simple and easy ways to serve your spouse. Service doesn't need to take hours or tons of effort. I've learned that not only is it important to serve your spouse, but it is equally important to serve with your spouse. I know there are many ideas all over the internet, but here are a few of my ideas that have been highly effective in my marriage.![]() | |
- Attend the temple together -You serve your spouse by giving them an opportunity to serve others!
- Understand their schedule - This might sound odd, but a great way to serve your spouse is by knowing when they are going to be free and busy.
- Smile - Offering a willing smile can cheer them up and help brighten their day.
- Assist them with their church callings - If they are prepping for a lesson or scheduling meetings, offer to help.
- Pray for them - You may not be able to see the benefits, but it does way more than you know. You may also be more readily inspired to know how to better serve them!
From Grass Fed Mama:
- Scrape the ice off their windshield in the winter
- Choose not to nag about something that hasn't been completed
- Wash their car
- Pick up their favorite snack when you are at the grocery store
- Put your phone down
- Make them a playlist
- Spend some time doing their hobbies with them
- Talk positively about them in public
- Thank them
- Ask them
- Observe them
4. What are problems involving service that can occur in marriage?
This might not be a question you would think to ask, but it is one that I wish I had asked before getting married. Service doesn't always cause problems, but it can, and it's good to be prepared. In my last post, I blogged about when I first got married, I felt like I always needed to do all the housework. Service became a problem when Kyle would do the dishes, and I would attribute it to me not being a good enough wife. Extreme, I know, but I've since learned better. It seems that sometimes it is hard to accept service from other people. Society is craving more independency and pushing this idea to all of it's members. This can be in an issue in any budding marriage. I know that I should be serving my spouse, but am I allowing my spouse to serve me? To graciously and willingly accept service from your spouse can foster many great things. This is hard, believe me, but it is a worthy goal to work toward. I've realized that if I want my spouse to accept my service willingly, then I should do the same.![]() |
Service can be and should be a joy to render. Understand that service for your spouse or anyone else brings great blessings to your life. I love this advice I heard in a church lesson once, "Service is joyful when its given in this order:
- J esus
- O thers
- Y ourself "
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